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9 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill

With energy costs on the rise, it's important to find ways to save energy and reduce our household energy bills. In this blog, we'll share some tips to help you save energy and money at home. 1. Switch to LED light bulbs One of the simplest ways to save energy is to switch to LED...

How to protect from energy price hikes

Has Your Energy Bill Increased? Here’s Why, and How to Avoid It. If you’re a New Yorker who did a double-take on your utility bill — you’re not alone. With recent energy bills doubled or even tripled, it has left residents searching for answers and reform. City and state lawmakers including Governor Kathy Hochul are…

Switch to Cold Water and Save Money

Laundry day can be the perfect opportunity to save money, energy, and your clothes — all by turning the dial to cold. Companies like Tide have already made the commitment to cold water washing with icons like Ice T and Stone Cold spreading the message. Make the switch to cold to see how much you…

Renewable Energy Explained

The Basics: Renewable EnergyA Simple Guide to Renewable Energy Our current energy infrastructure has become reliant on fossil fuels — from the way we power our cars, homes, offices, and factories. Fossil fuels account for 80 percent of our current energy production and consumption. But what do we do when this depletes faster than it…

How Renewable Energy Works [For Small Business]

How Renewable Energy Works [For Small Business] Power your small business with energy that benefits the environment, the community, and your savings too. Together, businesses can make a lasting difference in fighting climate change and creating a sustainable future. But what does it look like to make the switch to renewable energy? Renewable energy on…

The Benefits of a Custom Energy Quote for Your Small Business

The Benefits of a Custom Energy Quote for Your Small Business Your energy plan should be created with the same personal approach as your small business. And it’s always a win when it can cater to your company goals. Here are four reasons why a custom energy quote can be the right move for your…

10 Energy Saving Tips for Your Small Business

10 Energy Saving Tips for Your Small Business Cut down on your business’ overhead expenses by changing up how you use energy. Small businesses that implement energy efficiency into their workspaces can save 10 to 30 percent on their utility bill. Here are 10 ways you can start saving today: Switch off computers and laptops…

New Year’s Resolutions for an Eco-friendly 2021

From starting new workout plans to decluttering your space — we’ve all heard these New Year’s resolutions before. For 2021, make a commitment not only to yourself but to the environment too. Add these seven action items to your list of goals this year: Buy local  2020 has been hard on us all, but especially…

3 Steps to Hanging the Perfect Christmas Lights

Spread holiday cheer with Christmas lights that will make spirits bright for you and your neighborhood. When it comes to climbing up high ladders with a bundle of lights, it’s safe to create a game plan first. Here’s a guide for a smooth transition into holiday mode (because honestly, we’ve been through enough this year). ...

Energy-Saving Tips to Feast on this Thanksgiving

Whether you spend Thanksgiving cooking in the kitchen or watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, our electricity usage jumps as we move from one gadget or kitchen appliance to another. Prepare a drool-worthy feast with tips that give your energy bill a break this holiday season.  Plan ahead As you write out your Thanksgiving to-do…