Going Green* with City Power and Gas
with City Power and Gas
Going Green* with City Power and Gas
City Power and Gas is committed to doing right for the environment by providing our customers with affordable Green Electricity.
We offer two different types of renewable electricity plans: Power Green 100 and Power Green 60. Power Green 60 provides you with electricity sourced 60% from renewable sources, while Power Green 100 is a 100% renewable power plan. It costs just a little bit more, and in exchange you have the knowledge that all your electricity is completely green!
*Green energy plans are supported 100% by Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that are purchased and retired in an amount sufficient to match your annual consumption. RECs are a tradeable, non-tangible energy commodity in the United States that represents proof that 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from an eligible renewable energy resource like biomass, hydro, solar or wind. Please see your Terms of Service for more information.