The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life around the world in ways we didn’t think were possible at the start of 2020. The lockdowns set in place to ‘flatten the curve’ have not only shifted how we live but also how we consume energy. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has reported a record plunge in the global energy demand which hasn’t been seen in over seventy years.
The IEA works with governments and industries to create a future with sustainable energy. Their new report shows how the pandemic will affect all major fuels by looking at real data from 100 days of this year. It’s predicted that the energy demand will drop 6% in 2020 which is like losing the entire energy market in India! The electricity demand specifically is dropping so low to levels not seen since the Great Depression. As the need for fossil fuels continues to decline during worldwide lockdowns, renewable energy has been the only source of energy on the rise.
Out of all the major fuels, coal has been hit the hardest. From our mild winters to the growth of renewable energy, coal has been left on the backburner. China is also a major consumer of coal, so much so that it accounts for over half of their energy consumption. But as they were battling coronavirus, it has brought the country into a lockdown and a decline in the use of coal.
Oil & Natural Gas
With everyone travelling less, there hasn’t been much of a demand for oil as it used to be. 60% of its worldwide demand actually comes from us taking trips in our cars and flying on planes. By the latter part of March, the global road activity went down 50% than the 2019 average. Natural Gas, on the other hand, hasn’t been strongly affected so far but it could drop due to the reduced demand on the power industry.
Renewable Energy
Now, renewable energy stands resilient compared to other fossil fuels. It’s expected to grow in 2020 due to its low operating costs and priority grid access. There’s already been a record 8% drop in carbon emissions and a drive towards having low-carbon sources of electricity like wind, solar, PV and hydropower. With this, it can bring renewable electricity generation up by 5% this year. However, renewable energy that’s not in the power sector, like biofuels will drop due to the lack of travel.
If you want to help create a future with cleaner energy, City Power and Gas is here to help you take those next steps. We can provide you with renewable electricity plans for a cost-effective price. With a greener lifestyle, you will help lower carbon emissions beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Choose City Power and Gas, your trusted Electric and Gas Company in New York.