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Lock in a great rate up to 15%2 lower than your Duquesne rate.

Sign up for an electricity plan today and earn a
$25 Amazon gift card1!

Check out our featured plans below

And remember all our plans come with $25 in Reward Dollars and 2% Annual Cashback as standard!

In only 5 minutes, you can enroll on our website using the promo code CPGAMAZON25


Grab your utility bill which has your account number and Click the Enroll Now button below or call 1-877-518-9339 to get started
It should take no more than 5 minutes to lock-in a great rate and be protected against rising utility rates!
You will presented with a selection of competitively priced fixed rate natural gas plans for your area.
Simply choose how many months you want to lock-in a great rate!
The switch happens seamlessly with no interruption to your service. Your bills will look the same, just probably lighter!
And if you are not completely satisfied you may cancel at any time.
We don’t charge early termination fees. Ever.

Duquesne & Columbia Gas customers, switch to City Power and earn an ADDITIONAL $25 Amazon gift card!

That’s $50 in Amazon gift cards when you switch your electricity and gas!
Now is the perfect time to lower vour gas rates and avoid rising prices this winter.

1 City Power and Gas has offered select customers over the age of eighteen gift cards as an appreciation for customer loyalty. Our gift card loyalty plan features a twenty five dollar ($25.00) Amazon gift card or a fifty dollar ($50.00) Amazon gift card, depending on plan(s) selected, earned by eligible City Power and Gas customers after they have been a City Power and Gas customer on the selected plan for ninety (90) days. This offer is no longer valid if you cancel your service with City Power and Gas within the first 90 days. You must be an active customer and have a valid email address to claim your gift card. Gift cards are notified and fulfilled via email only. This offer is not transferable. Void where prohibited. Limit of one (1) Gift Card Offer per household. If you have earned a gift card from City Power and Gas, action is required on your part to validate your identity and claim your gift card. Gift Card rules of use of the gift card are governed by the gift card provider.

2 Claim based upon comparison between utility rates as posted on your local utility website effective 11/1/23, and at least one City Power and Gas electricity rate plan within your utility area, effective 11/1/23. Rate specified pertains to the supply portion of your utility bill. Total bill cost may vary according to your actual electricity usage. Rate savings are not guaranteed. Rates are subject to change. Pennsylvania Natural Gas License A-2021_3025383